The organisers of the Veldhoven Quiz for the Quiz Year 2024 are:

  • Dennis van Hout

    Hi, I am Dennis van Hout. I have lived all my life in Veldhoven. First in Meerveldhoven and then for more than 15 years in the Heikant. But at the end of 2023 I moved to Wintelre. Since the 5e editie zit ik in de organisatie en alle vier de edities daaraan voorafgaand heb ik meegedaan als deelnemer. Zoals zo velen kende ik het fenomeen dorpsquiz helemaal niet, maar na de eerste keer wist ik zeker dat ik nog veel vaker zou meedoen. De opzet, de moeilijkheidsgraad, de sfeer, het is me op het lijf geschreven. Ik ben dan ook heel blij dat ik nu in de organisatie zit, zodat ik het van de andere kant kan meemaken. Mijn teamgenoten waarmee ik de quiz altijd speelde waren echter iets minder enthousiast…

    Within the quiz, I am responsible for the financial part, although I must say that we actually make almost all decisions in consultation, so there are really never any surprises. Apart from that, I think up a lot of questions. I do like to find the balance between easy and difficult as far as the questions are concerned, and I also like to ask things that then make you laugh because the answer is so absurd. I like to search for weird facts and trivia. What is the name of the dust that collects in the corner of your pocket?

    I love good food, whether it's eating out or cooking it myself, I don't really care. And I like anything to do with games. Lately, I haven't really gotten around to it, but I also like escape rooms.

    Let's all make it a great edition again this year. In any case, I am already looking forward to it!

  • Ellen van den Brink

    Hi I am Ellen van den Brink and would like to introduce myself as the latest addition to the organization of the Veldhoven Quiz. Also one of the former teammates of Dennis, who was not happy that he went into the organization.
    Tevens één van de oud teamgenoten van Dennis, die niet blij was dat hij in de organisatie ging.

    I was born and raised in Veldhoven. For 22 years dog groomer by profession. Last year with partner and cat, moved from Veldhoven to Vessem.

    Besides my work, boyfriend and cat I spend a lot of time with my elderly horse and care horses.

    After playing along with the big quiz of Veldhoven all the years and also taking part in the 2 digital versions, I also wanted to discover the other side of the quiz.

    I hope to do my bit and make sure the Veldhoven Quiz will be great again this year so that all participants may experience as much fun as I have always had as a participant!!!

    Let's all make it a great edition again this year. In any case, I am already very much looking forward to it!!!

  • Henk Visser

    I am Henk Visser and live in Veldhoven since 2007 together with Patricia and our two children Sil and Maud.

    During the week I work mainly as a group leader at ASML within a service department. Since 2018 I have been in the organization of De Veldhoven Quiz. Before that, I played along with team Roll the Dice for a few years.

    In addition, I think many people (re)know me from the Veldhoven Christmas Light Show. For 10 years I had one of the biggest Christmas light shows in the Netherlands. Just in our backyard.

    In the rest of the free time I do a lot of work for 'my' Judo club Shizen Hontai where I also train 1x per week. I enjoy playing board games and escape rooms. Especially the more tactical and elaborate games. From these I often get a lot of inspiration to use in the Veldhoven Quiz.

    For the Veldhoven Quiz, besides thinking up the many questions, I am mainly busy with the so-called outdoor assignments, looking for sponsors and doing assignments. Often I like to make more difficult puzzles where you do not come to an answer in one go.

  • Marlies van Vliet

    Hi all. I am Marlies van Vliet. I have lived in Veldhoven for about 30 years.

    During the week and with regularity on the weekends I am busy with my work as a bacteriological analyst at Eurofins PAMM.
    Beside my work I like to be outdoors, a long walk or working in the garden.

    From the 2nd edition, I have participated in the quiz. After the 2019 quiz, when as team captain I had to go pick up the quiz book in a wedding dress, I thought it was time to start looking at the quiz from the other side and started helping organize it.
    Where other quizmasters are very good at coming up with (difficult) questions, I am often busy checking them, is the answer really findable and correct?

    Hopefully we can all make it a great quiz night again this year.

  • Patricia Visser

    Hello all. My name is Patricia Visser and already for the 4th year a 'familiar' face at DGQVV. Since 2007, I have lived in Veldhoven together with my husband Henk Visser and our 2 daughters aged 14 and 16. 

    5 years ago, Peggy introduced me to the DGQVV organisation. I myself have never been on the other side, but of course I was able to follow a lot of Henk when he was still playing with the Roll The Dice team. After years of keeping my mouth shut, I find it very relaxing to be able to discuss things now haha. At DGQVV, I am head of social media and a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. This includes shopping, packing bags, binding quiz books, figuring out how we can keep costs as low as possible and making sure everyone has his/her DGQVV business clothes. And of course like everyone else in the organisation, I too do my best to come up with as many tricky questions as possible. If you guys think searching for answers is a challenge, then you haven't tried making up questions that Google can't find right away 😉 

    Besides DGQVV, I have a small sort of business together with the eldest daughter. We make 100% gluten-free decorated cake to order. "The customer's wish is our challenge!". An out of control hobby so to speak. Lovely to do and especially great when you see those happy faces when the cakes are collected.

    Hopefully, we will be able to provide you with another great quiz night this year. An evening full of stress, brainteasers and brainteasers, but certainly also an evening full of fun, togetherness and laughter.